I’ve put together a number of impressions from CCCamp that I want to share.

3D Printed Stethoscope


After Tareks wonderful inspiring talk we went to the CERT (Chaos Emergency Reponse Team) and showed the 3d printed stethoscope head which I designed to the medical people there.

I was very tired as I did drive for about 8 hours before and I don’t remember much more unfortunately.

Cooking for 300 Angels

Meet Hendi, the slicing machine that I took care of in my two hour volunteer shift as angel.


I have chopped up two boxes of red cabbage, a box of cucumbers and two boxes of carrots. The ingredients were then mixed in huge boxes Imgur

Weather Baloon

Some guys launched a weather baloon filled with Hydrogen. I was there to see the launch!




At Camp we also had a small scale pneumatic tube delivery system around.


Two vaccum cleaners were managing deliveries:


Certified capsules:


Attention! Small Swallowable Parts!

Brick factory museum + Hackers = Fun.


Pool Simulator

I wanted to dive in there for a moment.


A thank you

Thanks for everyone being awesome. It was a lot of fun!

10/10 will visit Camp again!